First, Jonah doesn’t obey God’s commands.Jonah was a prophet who preached in Nineveh, the capital of Assyria. In the Bible, God gave Jonah a job to accomplish,but he ran away. God told Jonah, “Go tell the people of Nineveh to stop their evil ways.” If Jonah disobeyed God and did not warn them, they would all be destroyed. With this knowledge, he still decided to disobey God. Jonah then decided to go to Joppa. He boarded his boat and set sail away from his assigned destination. God sent a big storm with strong winds and big waves. Jonah knew that God …show more content…
Daniel did not care about what people thought of him but what God thought of him. In the Bible, how there was a new king named King Darius, he had men to assist him, and Daniel was their leader. Unfortunately, the other men did not like Daniel, they did not want him to be their leader. The men also knew that Daniel prayed to God, so they went to the king and asked him to make a new law, that said that nobody could pray to God. The people who disobey the law,would be put into the lion's den and be eaten. However,Daniel still prayed to God three times a day. The men saw Daniel praying and told the king, he tried to think of a way to save Daniel from being put into the den but he couldn’t change the law, so the king told his servants to placed Daniel in the lion's’ den. King Darius told Daniel, God would save him.The king went to the lion’s den and called for Daniel, he answered because the lions hadn’t hurt him. He said God shut the lions’ mouths. Being faithful to God, kept Daniel from