1.The correct chemical name for heroin is, Diacetylmorphine or Diamorphine. Heroin falls into the depressants category. Depressants slow down the messages between the brain and the body by slowing down the central nervous system. According to National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) and Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA), heroin is a schedule I substance. Since it is a schedule I substance, it means that it is more likely to be abused.
2. Heroin has a lot of slang terms. Some nicknames are, H, white, white wady, scag, brown crystal, nod, chiba, tar, snowball, black pearl and more. The most common nicknames are, big H, black tar, chiva, dope, hell dust, horse, negra, smack, thunder, brown sugar, china white, and dragon (smoking heroin is called “Chasing the Dragon”). At times when someone is doing heroin, the combine it with other drugs. When they combine heroin and cocaine the call it, speedball, belushi and more. When they combine heroin and marijuana they call it, candale, woolie or woola. When people combine heroin and LDS they …show more content…
During the first trend, the highest rate of use happened between the years 1971 and 1977.During the second trend, the use of heroin was common by the men that were serving in the Vietnam War. Both of the trends started to die down because the heroin wasn’t as pure. Today in the United States, heroin is most likely sod in white or brownish powder or as a black sticky material known as “black tar”. In Arizona, “black tar” from Mexico is the most common form of heroin. Heroin that is sold in the streets is usually mixed with other drugs or substances. Heroin sold on the streets could be mixed with cocaine, sugar, starch, baking soda, powdered milk, or caffeine.Even though heroin sold on the streets are mixed with other drugs or things, pure heroin is becoming more