b) 240 kcals
2. The AMDR (Acceptable Macronutrient Distribution Range) for daily intake of protein is 10% - 35% of an adult’s calorie needs (see Chapter 2, page 50-51. If Jessie requires 2000 kcals per day, how much should be coming from protein? (Choose your answer and delete the rest). (2 points)
b) 200 - 700 kcals (50 - 175 grams)
For the remaining questions, determine how YOUR average intake of protein compares to the recommendations.
3. What was your daily AVERAGE intake of protein in GRAMS? (See Actual Intakes vs. Recommended Intakes Bar Graph, Actual Intake Column). Example: 57.31 grams. (1 point)
4. Refer to your All Nutrients Spreadsheet and determine which DAY (1, 2, or 3) had the LOWEST intake of protein. List the DAY and the total amount of protein in GRAMS (See “Day Total” in bold at the end of each day in the Prot (g) column). Example: Day 2 = 39.4 grams. (1 point)
Answer: Day 1= 76 grams
5. The RDA for protein is based on an individual’s body weight. Most healthy adults need 0.8 grams of protein for every kilogram (kg) of body weight (see Chapter 6, pages 242 - 243). In general, Americans are either meeting or exceeding their protein needs. Determine YOUR protein requirements by converting your body weight from pounds to kilograms and multiplying by 0.8. There are 2.2 kilograms in a pound (so your weight in kg should be a LOWER number than your weight in lbs). SHOW YOUR WORK for full credit.