* Order dated 28 November 2001
* Each child up to 6 years of age is to get 300 calories and 8-10 gms of protein.
* Each malnourished child to get 600 calories and 16-20 grams of protein.
* Each pregnant woman, nursing mother and adolescent girl to get 500 calories and 20-25 grams of protein.
* Every settlement is to have an Anganwadi.
* Order dated 29 April 2004 * All 0-6 year old children, adolescent girls, pregnant Women and nursing mothers shall receive Supplementary nutrition for 300 days in the year. * Order dated 7 October 2004 * The number of Anganwadis shall be increased from 6 to 14 lakhs. * The minimum norm for the provision of supplementary nutrition shall be increased to Rs. 2/- per child per day. * All sanctioned Anganwadis shall be operationalised immediately. * All SC/ST hamlets shall have Anganwadis as early as possible, and hamlets with high SC/ST populations should receive priority in the placement of new Anganwadis. * All slums shall have Anganwadis. * Contractors shall not be used for the supply of supplementary nutrition. * The Central Government and States/UTs shall ensure that all amounts allocated are sanctioned in time so that there is no disruption in the feeding of children. * All State Governments/UTs shall put on their websites full data for the ICDS programme including where Anganwadis are operational, the number of beneficiaries category-wise, the funds allocated and used, and related matters.
* Judgement dated 13 December 2006
* Government shall operationalize a minimum of 14 lakh Anganwadis by December 2008. * All SC/ ST hamlets to be identified and