Independent Enquiry Study (IES) of Liberal Studies
Project Proposal Form
Deadline: 10 September 2013 (8:15am)
You must submit both hardcopy and softcopy of this IES proposal. For the softcopy, please save your file using this format (2013-2014_IES_proposal_your name) and send to the email of your IES teacher supervisor e.g.
Warning: There will be a mark penalty for late submission.
You are suggested to visit the following website to get some ideas about how to complete the project proposal form.
Independent Enquiry Study (IES) Exemplars (with Marks and Comments)—provided by HKEAA
Important Note:
Each student should hand in a project proposal to his/her IES supervising teacher before the deadline according to the Assessment Plan set out by the school. This Project Proposal Form, which serves as a comprehensive guide to the writing of a project proposal, can be completed as the task of Stage I. Students might, in accordance with their supervising teacher’s consent and the Assessment Plan, choose to fill in the Form part by part and receive comments in a gradual manner and/or submit the fully completed Form to their supervising teacher, bearing in mind that they might have to do this more than once. Candidates are reminded that no re-submission will be allowed after the supervising teacher has completed the assessment of the task and marks have been given to the task.
School Name:The Chinese Foundation Secondary School
Student Name: ________Chan Chi Hong___________________ Class: __5A_____
Supervising teacher: _______Ms. Wong Tsui Wa________________ Submission Date: 10 September 2013
Submission Status:First Submission □ Re-Submission □Final Submission
(Please tick one box only)
Title and Explanation
Title: (It would be
References: 1. Yung, B.(2008). Hong Kong’s Housing Policy: A Case Study in social justice. Hong Kong University Press. 2. 王于漸 (2013) : 香港長遠房屋策略和港人港地, 中華(香港) 3 4. Wilson Lau ( 17 May 2013). Land reclamation is not the answer to public housing shortage. South China Morning Post. 7. 新公屋商場500呎租21萬(Local News) (8-9-2013) : 明報, P.A1 8