Question: What are some of the effects of high cholesterol on the blood and on the heart and how can these effects be treated or reversed?
Hypothesis: If the blood thickens and get sticky then the heart will eventually get clogged, creating a heart condition of disease.
--Cholesterol is generally good for the body, but when foods that have an exaggerated amount of cholesterol are digested, then it becomes a hazard to blood circulation in effect, damaging vital arteries that lead to the heart. Cholesterol is a soft, waxy substance found among lipids (other wise known as fats) in the bloodstream as well as all the body cells. a cholesterol lipid
---Cholesterol is an essential part of cellular formation and contributes to some hormone functions, nevertheless, cholesterol like many other fats, can not dissolve in blood instead, they are transported to and from the cells by lipoproteins. If this does not occur regularly, it can cause the blood to become sticky mainly because the cholesterol sticks to the blood cells of course resulting in either the death of cells or sickly cells. The cells have a tendency to then stick to the vessel lining causing blood clots. Usually greasy foods like hamburgers, grill cheese sandwiches and margarine produce a lot of cholesterol.
---Making sure your HDL cholesterol (good cholesterol) is at an appropriate level is very important. This can be achieved by not only exercising daily, but by consuming the right foods in the right portions. Fruits and vegetables are excellent foods since bad cholesterol is found in meat. Beans, which are highly rich in proteins is a good substitute for animal protein.
Procedure and Materials:
--Primarily, blood was made out of common house hold ingredients and placed into two separate containers in order to demonstrate what one, normal and two, too much cholesterol in the blood would resemble. First,