Even today, as someone who buys into a view of the world that says everything that can be done voluntarily without government should be down voluntarily without government, I cringe at libertarian platitudes. Taxation is theft, we are slaves to the government or not owning our own property—while these all may have some legitimacy they are also naive. Taxes are not voluntary but to call them theft ignores the nuances of political theory like the social contract and implicit agreement. While only the most extreme anarchy-capitalists openly argue that we are slaved to the government, it does not mean it is an illogical conclusion to their beliefs. But while the logical conclusion, and arguably technically true, it also fly’s in the face of basic reason. Government is force but slaves were not free to act as they pleased (within reasonable
Even today, as someone who buys into a view of the world that says everything that can be done voluntarily without government should be down voluntarily without government, I cringe at libertarian platitudes. Taxation is theft, we are slaves to the government or not owning our own property—while these all may have some legitimacy they are also naive. Taxes are not voluntary but to call them theft ignores the nuances of political theory like the social contract and implicit agreement. While only the most extreme anarchy-capitalists openly argue that we are slaved to the government, it does not mean it is an illogical conclusion to their beliefs. But while the logical conclusion, and arguably technically true, it also fly’s in the face of basic reason. Government is force but slaves were not free to act as they pleased (within reasonable