Abstract-This paper describes how FPGA is compatible for the High Performance Computing System. In this paper High performance computing systems using FPGAs and FPGA use models are described.
I. Introduction
Due to high application demand conventional processors are unable to deliver desired performance. So hardware acceleration is required to meet high performance. This is done by parallel computing and by connecting application specification processors. Because of low price, low power consumption and high performance FPGAs are used in the basic coprocessor design. Until 2000, single core CPU based systems are used for High Performance Computing (HPC) application. In single core processors to increase performance, if frequency is increased power also increases with it to an impractical level. So to meet high application demand General purpose CPU vendors changed the course and introduced multicore processors to meet high performance demand. CPU based system connected with hardware accelerators as coprocessors are an alternative to CPU-only systems. GPUs, FPGAs are hardware accelerators with which system can attain high performance level which was previously unattainable.
II. High Performance Computing System
High performance computing is required for Servers and for embedded computers.
A. High Performance Server
Systems with high performance server are used by scientists, engineers and analysts to analyse large quantity of data. Systems having high performance servers range from server farms to super computers. A summary of different industries and application are provided in Table I.
Application for high performance server
Industry Application
Financial services Options valuation and risk analysis of assets
Geoscience and engineering Seismic modeling and analysis and simulation
Government Lab Climate modeling, nuclear waste modeling
B. High Performance Embedded Computers
References: [1] http://bu.edu/caadlab/IEEE_computer_07.pdf [2] Xilinx white paper 375 HPC using FPGA [3]Designing with FPGA and CPLD by Bob Zeidman