Transport Policy 17 (2010) 51–63
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High-speed rail in Taiwan: New experience and issues for future development
Yung-Hsiang Cheng n
National Cheng Kung University, Department of Transportation and Communication Management Science, No. 1, University Road, Tainan City 701, Taiwan
a r t i c l e in fo
Available online 4 November 2009 Keywords: High speed rail Build-operate-transfer Taiwan Integration Transportation impact
This study aims to identify some possible issues and challenges for Taiwan’s High Speed Rail (HSR) system, which was constructed and is operated under a Build–Operate–Transfer (BOT) model. The operational experiences in the initial stage for equivalent systems in Japan, France, Germany, and elsewhere are introduced herein. This study first presents Taiwan’s HSR system development and conducts an ex post cost–benefit analysis of this transportation system. Second, unsatisfied ridership is examined to look for possible solutions to increase it. Third, the paper examines the impact of HSR on the intercity transportation market. Finally, the integration between HSR and various existing transportation modes is discussed. Several policy suggestions are included, which are useful for the decision makers of transportation systems’ entrepreneurs, the central government, and the local authorities to derive a comprehensive post-HSR planning strategy for a more integrated transportation system. & 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
1. Introduction The High Speed Rail (HSR) system has been proven to be a safe, comfortable, and efficient transportation mode (Ardun and Ni, 2005). Due to its ability to carry large numbers of passengers and provide short travel times, HSR has become one of the major tools to alleviate the traffic burden of some main traffic corridors in Japan, France, Germany, Spain, and also
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