Even though students taking high stakes tests are suppose to be educational for the student’s future education. It is only going to impact the students negatively. There is always going to be different points of views when it comes to high-stakes testing. The students are being taught to the test and not encouraged to use their critical thinking skills. Standardized test should be alleviated and allow teachers to teach.
Research Paper Rough Draft
High stakes testing is doing more damage than good for our children. High stakes testing doesn’t help students succeed because teachers focus on “teaching to the test”. The No Child Left behind Act of 2001 (NCLB) are annual reading and mathematics tests that is required for students in elementary to high school level. Schools are required to meet the state proficiency standards in order to get federal funds for needed improvements. If standards are not met then the funds will be withheld. The paper will provide a personal experience on educator had and how her curriculum was needed to be changed to work with the students. Second, it will show multiple views when ideas of these tests are part of the curriculum. Finally, explaining the different studies that show numbers of high stakes testing within the curriculum.
Throughout the United States there are many educators that work with children are feeling pressures to get the students to pass the exams. Some educators feel that by covering just the subjects that is on the exams the students will have a better opportunity to pass the exams. Because of this, “teachers feel torn between the most effective ways to teach reading based on their own professional knowledge and experiences and what testing protocols demand” [ (Assaf, 2006) ]. A schooled looked at was Chavez Elementary School, this school went from a Tier 3 rating to tier 2 because the scores in the tests had dropped. Because of these lowered
References: Assaf, L. (2006). One Reading Specialist 's response to high-stakes testing pressures. Reading Teacher , 158-167. B, U. (2009). Negotiating identity and science teaching in a high-stakes testing environment: An elementary teacher 's perception. Cultural Studies of Science Education, 569-586. Barth, P. (n.d.). High Stakes Testing and Instruction. Retrieved from Center For Public Education : Braden, J. P., & Schroeder, J. L. (n.d.). High-Stakes testing and No Child Left Behind: Information and Strategies for Educators. Retrieved from National Associateion Of School Psychologists: Greene, J. P., Winters, M. A., & Forster, G. (2003, February). Testing High Stakes Test: Can We Believe the Results of Accountability Tests? Retrieved from Center For Civic Innovation at the Manhattan Institute: Kearns, L. (2011). High-stakes Testing and Marginalized Youth: An examination of the Impact on Those Who Fail. Canadian Journal of Education, 112-130. Myers, S. (2008). High-Stakes Testing. Research Starters Education, 1-1 12p.