September 16,2013
High Tuition Fees
Throughout life student are told about getting good grades and joining clubs and playing sport so they can go to college and getting a good job. However, getting good grades and participating in school sport and club are not always enough. There are many goals in life, one obstacle stands in the way, and one of them is the cost of college. Students who gets into the college of their choice are often stressed by tuition fees and do not qualify for grants or financial aid. One reason is that the child parents are making to much money, which lower the chances of qualifying for financial aid. Parents and students will be spending years to pay the money they owe. If children are supposed to be our future, then how can they meet their goals if they cannot afford tuition fees? In this essay, I will talk about what most college student is facing, which is high tuition fees at most college universities. The costs of college can lead a parent to wonder if an investment in higher education makes any sense. This is true when the annual cost of attending a private college can easily equal the annual pay roll of a graduate receives during his or her first few years of work. Senator Judd Gregg, a Republican from New Hampshire, also chairman of the Senate Health Education, Labor, and Pensions Committee, comments, “While tuition goes up and up, and more and more students are priced out of a college education, colleges are finding it hard to achieve efficiencies in the delivery od education” (Price 1017). This set back has lead to several campuses having to cut teachers’ pay rolls and hours, resulting in classes being not teach. Most colleges have reduces student enrollment to make up for some of these cuts, which is making it harder for students to enroll for classes to complete their education. In the scholarly article called “Rising College Costs,” Tom Price said, “The proportion of American high-school graduates enrolling in
Cited: Price, Tom. "Rising College Costs." CQ Researcher 5 Dec. 2003: 1013-44. Web. 18 Sept. 2013. Reynolds, Glenn Harlan. "Where Higher Education Went Wrong." Reason 44.11 (2013): 22. MasterFILE Premier. Web. 18 Sept. 2013.