what he or she is getting for all the debt that students often will find themselves in. The answer is not always what a prospective college goer will want to hear. Many students are getting degrees that they don’t know the usefulness of(Source F). College students are also earning degrees that don’t have strong career paths. Students often do this because they think that they can get a good job simply because they have a degree. Many people with an education of only high school level think that everyone should get a degree as well because of an existing mentality among those who are less educated that a degree guarantees a good job. However, the number of people who think everyone should have a degree goes down as these people’s years’ in college go up. This trend occurs because many of the students going to college get degrees that don’t land them good jobs, and they discourage college to others like them(source D). Furthermore, the amount of debt a student may have can be significantly more than expected due to colleges’ poor counseling services. Lori Kurtzman of the Cincinnati Enquirer argued against some of the classes colleges offer, saying, “Remedial needs strain the student, who might pay hundreds or thousands of dollars for classes that don’t count toward their degree.” (Source B). Many colleges require classes that aren’t even related to the degree that a student is getting, and have very poor counselors to help a student plan towards their degree. The result is that the rate of students who obtain their Bachelor’s degree in four years has plummeted. In some cases, four year graduation rates are below fifty percent. For example, the third largest college in the state of Michigan’s engineering program has a thirty-three percent four year graduation rate. This costs even more money in the form of opportunity costs. Every year, past four years a student may spend in college to obtain a Bachelor’s degree, is a year of both paid tuition and lost income. If the student loans have interest accruing, the time spent after four years not making payments adds on to what the student has to pay without giving anything more to the student. Not all students should go to college because the costs can outweigh the benefits. Not all students should go to college because college isn’t the only way to get a good job outside of high school.
The current education system strongly presses the case for high schoolers to go to college. Rarely, however, does it explore other options for kids who aren’t college-oriented. While it is true that globalization means high-paying manufacturing jobs are not a major career option in the United States, many skilled trade and technical fields are experiencing a shortage of workers. During his 2011 State of the Union Address, President Barack Obama said, “This can be community college or a four year school, vocational training, or an apprenticeship. But whatever the training may be, every American will need to get more than a high school diploma.” (Source C). While Obama does say every American will need more than a high school diploma, he doesn’t argue that every American needs to go to college. That is because every American doesn’t need to go to college. Plenty of skilled trade jobs pay just as well or even better than some jobs only available to those with degrees. Not all students should go to college because college isn’t the only way to get a good job outside of high
school. College isn’t for everyone. Though some people are comfortably suited for a classroom setting, some are not. Many Americans don’t enjoy the classroom environment, and are better suited for a skilled trade such as welding or plumbing. There are all different kinds of smart. College is about more than a job, it’s about personal happiness. Many people go to college by choice, but there are some who go with little direction other than a sense that they should go. In the “Say Anything” portion of an online blog, “Rob” made the observation, “Those who did go to college usually didn’t even know what they wanted to do with their careers.”(Source F). One should go to college with a purpose. College isn’t for everyone. Not all students should go to college. Though college is important, it can often cost more than it is worth. College also isn’t the only way one can get a good job outside of high school. Furthermore, college isn’t for everyone. Not all students should go to college.