Hinduism is the major religion of India, and it unites …show more content…
The central and most vital part of Christianity is Jesus Christ, God’s only son. Christians believe Jesus Christ was crucified to forgive the sins of human beings. God is the only omnipotent power that Christians believe and pray to. Those who believe in God and accepts him into their lives will be granted eternal life. Jesus is believed to have been conceived by the virgin Mother Mary, as written in the Holy Bible. The Holy Bible is the Christian equivalent to the Vedas that Hindus worship. The first portion of the Holy Bible, known as the Old Testament, is the sacred scripture of Judaism. The Old Testament includes praise, poetry, and wisdom, which is comparable to the Rig Veda and the Sama Veda. The second portion of the Holy Bible is the New Testament, which contains additional teachings of how to apply God to everyday life and be assured a place in heaven. This is relatable to The Yajur Veda and the Atharva Veda from Hindu religion. Christianity is a more popular religion in comparison to Hinduism, with a recorded number of 2.2 billion followers. Hinduism falls third in line for the largest religion in the world, having 1.05 billion followers. Christianity originated in Judea dating as far back as the first century AD. During the middle ages, the religion spread into Northern Europe and Russia. Christianity made its way into the North Americas in the beginning of the sixteenth …show more content…
Most of the gods Hindus believe in are males and the only God that Christians pray to is always referred to as “He”. Hindus and Christians perform their worship at altars with offerings and chants. Hindus practiced at outdoor fire altars and temples, while Christians practiced their worship indoors in a church. Water is used to purify the space being used where Hindus worship and holy water is used in church services where Christians worshiped. The Hinduism religion gave offerings in the form of milk, ghee, grains, and sometimes animals. Christianity offerings differ greatly in that the only form they give is monetary. Nonetheless, sacred chanting is essential to worship sessions for both religions. Hinduism and Christianity are also alike in that they believe you should not do unto others as they do to you. Instead, Hindus believe everyone who does good will have good things happen to them. Anyone who does evil things, shall also receive their karma. Hindus believe in living righteously and virtuously. Similarly, Christians believe that a person should treat everyone with kindness, even when others are being evil towards them. The Bible advises Christians should forgive endlessly. Also, “He recommended that we respond to violence with nonviolence. ““But I tell you who hear me: Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you, bless those who curse you, and pray for those who