Firstly, fresh graduates start with low salaries. According to “USA Today 56% of the employers wishes to pay under $40,000 to fresh graduates for starting salaries. Firms always want to maximize their profits and that’s the main purpose of creating and managing firms. For the purpose of making profit, paying less salary to a fresh graduate is a big benefit for the employer. Employers can hire and pay $ 40,000 to a fresh graduate for the position and save 20-40% more by chosing the unexperienced individuals. The salary is not the only way the firms can save by hiring the fresh graduate, there are more ways to save money. If the firm has an opening and trying to find a worker, experienced or not, they have to pay big amount of money to find the right employee for the opening. However, if the employer would like to hire a fresh graduate, he/she does not have to waste that fund. The employer can be partners with any local or specific university/college and use their career center or interview people in Career Fairs to find the perfect match for the opening.
The fact that students want to make money and start building their lives, they are impatient to get jobs. Being a college or university student is hard and stressfull. Throughout their education in colleges or universities, students have to spend big amount