Appendix A
Clash of Cultures
Complete the grid by describing the characteristics listed in the left-side column for the five groups named.
| |Native Americans |Northern Colonists |Mid-Atlantic Colonists |Southern Colonists |West Africans |
|Political Structure|Politics advanced in large |Participated in discussions, took |The Middle Colonies were generall |The southern colonies had a |Politics advanced in large |
| |kingdoms that oversaw and |votes on projects and taxes. Laws |run by Royal or Proprietary y |governor and a council appointed |kingdoms that oversaw and |
| |protected their citizens and that |were based on common law to do |Governors and elected Colonial |by the crown, and an assembly or |protected their citizens and that |
| |allowed for expansive lines of |God’s duty in the land he had |Assemblies. Many Middle Colony |house of representatives that was |allowed for expansive lines of |
| |trade. |given them without representation.|constitutions guaranteed freedom |elected by the people. The |trade. |
| | | |of religion and forbade taxation |governor had the most power of | |
| | | | |judicial, religious, military, | |
| | | | |appointing officials, leader of | |
| |