|Latter Day Saints |Founded by Joseph Smith. He |1.Belief in modern-day |1. Families are encouraged to meet weekly for|
| |began receiving visions at age |revelation through prophets, |prayer, gospel instruction, family planning, |
| |14, in 1820, in which he was |beginning with Joseph Smith, Jr |and other enriching family activities, |
| |told it was his mission to |2. Belief in the charismatic |typically on Monday nights. |
| |restore the church of Jesus |gifts of healing, speaking in |2. Members regularly visit one another in |
| |Christ on earth. |tongues, interpretation of |their homes to minister to others' needs and |
| | |tongues, through the power of |to share uplifting spiritual messages. |
| | |the restored priesthood. | |
|Jehova’s Witnesses |Begun by Charles Taze Russell in|1.Rejection of the doctrine of |1.Jehovah's Witnesses usually meet three |
| |1872. When Russell was 18, he |the Trinity and the existence of|times per week: once on Sunday and twice |
| |organized a Bible class in |Hell. |during the week. |
| |Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. | |2.Jehovah's Witnesses hold religious services|
| |Bible could be only understood