History Assignment 2014
Chapter 3 – Nationalism in India
I. (One marker)
1. Why did Gandhi organise a hartal on 6 April 1919?
2. According to General Dyer, what was the objective Jallianwalla Bagh massacre?
3. With what aim was Khilafat committee formed in Bombay in March 1919?
4. What was the main theme of the book Hind Swaraj?
5. Why did the Justice Party decide not to boycott council elections?
6. What was the restriction placed by the Inland Emigration Act on plantation workers?
7. Why and when was Non-Cooperation Movement withdrawn?
8. When and where was the demand Purna Swaraj formalised?
9. According to many Dalit leaders, what would have solved the problems of their social disabilities?
10. What was the decision taken by the Poona Pact of 1932?
11. Give your impression on the famous painting of Bharat Mata by Abanindranath Tagore.
12. Who led the movement for folk revival in Bengal and how?
13. What was the contribution of Natesa Sastri for Tamil folk literature?
14. What was the design of the Swaraj flag made by Gandhi in 1921?
15. What was the design of the tricolour flag made during Swadeshi movement?
II. (3-5 marks)
1. Describe the hardships of the people of India during First World War.
2. Why and how did people react against Rowlatt Act?
3. Describe the Jallianwalla Bagh massacre.
4. What was the Khilafat issue? Why did Gandhi take it up?
5. Describe the Non-Cooperation Movement in the economic front.
6. Examine how the plantation workers expressed their notion of Swaraj.
7. What was the objective of the Statutory Commission appointed by the new Tory government in Britain in 1927? What was the response of Indians towards it?
8. Describe the events leading to Salt March.
9. Describe Gandhi’s efforts to uplift the nation’s ‘untouchables’.
10. There were a variety of cultural processes through which nationalism captured people’s imagination. Explain any one of them.