HIST 217 Fall Semester 2011
Fall Semester 2011
History H-217: The Nature of History (15471)
Tuesdays 3:00PM-5:40PM
Cavanaugh Hall 215
Professor Modupe Labode
Office: 420 Cavanaugh Hall
Email: mlabode@iupui.edu
Telephone: 317-274-3829
Office Hours: Tuesdays, 1-2; Thursdays 1-3, and by appointment.
Mailbox: 504M Cavanaugh Hall
Course Description: This course is an introduction to the study of history. Readings and discussion will explore the sources that historians use to interpret history and construct narratives. The course introduces students to the concepts, methods, and problems, associated with “doing history”; philosophies of history; and competing interpretations of the past. The course is a regular offering of the …show more content…
A student who demonstrates critical thinking applies the process of disciplined thinking by remaining open-minded, reconsidering previous beliefs and actions, and adjusting his or her thinking, beliefs and actions based on new information.”
In this class, the PULs will be addressed through the assignments. The Understanding Society and Culture PUL will be the focus of the essays “The critical thinking PUL is addressed through all the assignments, which require students to analyze historical texts and sources and make distinctions among the data.
Oncourse: This class is supported by Oncourse. All class notices and assignments will be posted to Oncourse. You are expected to check Oncourse regularly.
Email: I will respond to your email within 48 hours. If you do not receive a response within that time, do not hesitate to email me again. You may get in contact with me through Oncourse or my
HIST 217 Fall Semester 2011
IUPUI account. I will communicate with you through your IUPUI account and Oncourse. If you do not regularly check your IUPUI email, make arrangements to forward your IUPUI email to the account your regularly …show more content…
If you miss more than half our class meetings within the first four weeks of the semester without contacting me, you will be administratively withdrawn from this section. Administrative withdrawal may have academic, financial, and financial aid implications. Administrative withdrawal will take place after the full refund period, and if you are administratively withdrawn from the course you will not be eligible for a tuition refund. If you have questions about the administrative withdrawal policy at any point during the semester, please get in contact with me. For more information, see: http://registrar.iupui.edu/withdrawal-policy.html
Student Advocate Office: The Student Advocate Office will answer your questions, direct you to the appropriate departments and people, familiarize you with university policies and procedures, and give you guidance as you look at ways to solve problems and make choices. For more information, visit them in 350 Campus Center, or contact them at 278-7594, at stuadvoc@iupui.edu, or at http://life.iupui.edu/advocate/
HIST 217 Fall Semester 2011
Grading Scale