In this formula k stands for a temporary variable, and Sn stands for the side length of an inscribed polygon with n sides. (13Ma3) We will start with a hexagon inside of a circle. The radius of the circle is one, the area is pi. The side length of the hexagon is 1. To calculate the next k value, all we need to do is do an addition and a square root like in the following:
The area of a regular polygon is A=1/2nsa. The n stands for number of sides, s stands for side length, and a stands for apothem. As the number of sides increases, the apothem becomes closer and closer to the radius so we let a=1. We now have the formula for the area of a polygon with n sides. This formula is Pn=1/2nSn. In this formula Pn represents the area of a polygon with n sides. If you go through the formula you will get pi and eight of its decimal places when there are 98,304 sides, which will give you 3.14159265. (13Ma3) The next proof I will be talking about is Archimedes’. The method Archimedes used for finding pi was to take the perimeters of polygons inscribed and circumscribed about a given circle. However instead of trying to measure the polygons one by one, he used a theorem
Cited: (n.d.). Retrieved March 13, 2013, from (n.d.). Retrieved March 13, 2013, from (n.d.). Retrieved March 13, 2013, from (n.d.). Retrieved March 13, 2013, from Grigg, R. (n.d.). Retrieved March 13, 2013, from