GAMM302 Gaming Regulations and legal Environment
2009/2010, second semester
Written Assignment Topic:
H istory of the 2001 -2002 concession public tender process in Macau
Name: Lau Hiu Tung Number: B-A7-0070-2
Date: 30 April 2010
Abstract The purpose of the report this time is to share and have a discussion in the concession public tender process in 2001 – 2002. By reading this sharing, I hope we can have a clear picture about the whole tender process, what has happened, and how was it organized during those 2 years. As this is a very important topic in the gaming sector. Moreover, I will also have a discussion to see the main reason why were those 3 companies won in the competition, and also some specific issue that raised by some of the candidates. Introduction Macau has a very long history in the area of gaming business. In the old days, Macau is being named as “Eastern Monte Carlo”. Now, Macau can be called as “Eastern Las Vegas”, as many foreign companies have started their business in Macau after the liberalization of the gaming industry in 2002. This change let Macau step into a new era and increase its reputation all over the world. Why Macau can have such a big change after the operation in the style of monopoly concession for more than 70 years? How the tender process has been gone through? Why result in these 3 concessions – even though now there are 3 plus 3 sub/concessions, but this is another story. The main purpose of this paper is to go through the tender process in the year 2001 – 2002. Through our discussion, let you understand and think about is government really do good in this area. The reason why government liberalized the gaming industry in Macau may have to trace back to the 1980’s. In May 25, 1982, the Macau SAR government enacted the gaming law (Law 6/82/M) and firstly mentioned the opening of the sector to other competitors instead of just STDM - “Fortunately,
Bibliography: Chan Peng Keong(陳炳強), "The Major event of Macau gaming industry". Macau Research. 17 April, 2010 "Administration Regulation n.º 26/2001" "Dispatch of the chief executive n.º 216/2001". Macau SAR. 17 April, 2010 "Dispatch of the chief executive n.º 217/2001" "Dispatch of the chief executive n.º 259/2001". Macau SAR. 20 April, 2010 "Macau 's casinos are in the business license it? Means that conditions are ripe, the Macao Special Administrative Region ......" Ward, Matt. "Sands ' 2002 Macau victory raised foreign corruption concerns". World Casino Directory. 22 April, 2010 Ho, José “眾財神競奪澳門賭牌". 25 April, 2010 "澳門賭權爭奪戰拉開帷幕" "Steve Wynn: Casino mogul moves on Macau". Casino News Media. 26 April, 2010 "呂 志 和 躋 身 澳 門 新 賭 王" 永逸, "好一個具有中國特色的拉斯維加斯博彩旅遊事業 ". 26 April, 2010 "澳門賭王何鴻燊全傳 第二十六章 賭牌競投 三足鼎立定格局"