our firm has created a Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats (SWOT) analysis, market analysis, competitive analysis, and financial analysis. The first thing to review is the SWOT analysis. The external environment of CanGo is further analyzed using a market analysis and competitor analysis. The internal environment is further analyzed using a financial analysis. A better understanding of this business leads this report to strategic recommendations for CanGo. This enables CanGo to reach the very great extent of needs and wants of their consumers through their vision and mission.
SWOT Analysis
I saw that these only 5 so I’m suggesting others in case you needed them.
Internal Strengths-
1. CanGo views their products from a customer perspective
2. CanGo has the ability to adapt quickly to market change. External Threats-
1. Deficiency of their clear performance goals
2. CanGo ineffective employee evaluations.
Competitive Analysis
Weakness- (Saw that it was missing in the chart.)
Barnes and Noble's weakness is their (high operating and overhead costs) due to the 774 different locations currently open in the United States.