The progressive movement is the first reform movement of the 20th century rooted in an effort to regulate and control big business, and it offered social justice and economic opportunity for all (Carnes and Garraty 2012). The makeup of the group included those who felt separated from the Republican Party. The group included farmers, factory workers, women, minorities, the immigrant working class, and the middle-class consumers.
The Republican Party had adopted an economic development which favored urban industry. A protective tariff helped manufacturers, but hurt the farmers because they had to pay higher prices for the manufactured equipment. Laborers also opposed the tariff and preferred the government would raise money by an income tax taxing the rich. The …show more content…
President Roosevelt called for reforms, which included anti-corruption, anti-monopoly, democratizing, regulatory and other measures that allowed the government to regulate industry. One of the measures that passed in 1906 under Roosevelt’s presidency was The Hepburn Act, which gave the Interstate Commerce Commission the authority to set maximum railroad rates, and standardized railroad accounting. Another measure that was passed in 1906 was The Pure Food and Drug Act, which later led to the Food and Drug Administration. A third measure that was passed was The Meat Inspection Act by which the Department of Agriculture rate meat products. Child labor Laws were also introduced which regulated the hours and they types of jobs children between14-18 years old could do. The reforms also helped fix some of the issues that were happening as a result of the industrial growth. Housing regulations helped to improve the conditions of the slums. Safety precautions in factories were introduced and compensation was offered for work injuries. Minimum wages were