History 133-008
11:00 – 11:50
16 November 2011
Chapter 1
The Native Americans
October 11, 1492
1. Why do we say that Columbus discovered America when there were already one hundred million people here?
Even though the Indians lived hear first the Europeans did not know about them. The Europeans then started to move and discovering the “new world”, finding things that had never been seen before. It was like Columbus discovered a whole new world even though it was already there with people.
2. Describe the religious customs of the Mayas, Aztecs, Timuquans, Natchez, and Spaniards as noted in the essay. In what ways were the various customs similar? In what ways were they different?
Mayas and Aztecs were polytheistic and believed in sacrifices. The Timuquans and Natchez worshiped the sun. All the tribes got married to the person the family picked for them.
The article was the Native Americans and how they were here before Columbus “discovered” the new world. I didn’t know till reading the article that Columbus’s flagship sank on Christmas day, I think that kind of cool.
Chapter 2
The English Background
A Puritan Death: John and Thomasine Winthrop
1. The Puritans believe in salvation through Christ’s grace. How did they attempt to bring themselves closer to Christ’s?
They had religious services at home and in the church. They sang psalms and gave everything they could to god. They would give but anything the interfered with their relationship with God. Winthrop walked about preaching the word.
2. What kinds of thought and behavior did puritans discourage? Give specific examples and explain the reasoning behind each.
Winthrop’s would play cards with his servants but the realized playing cards were not “proper pastime in a Christian household”. They did not do work on Sundays to cherish the Sabbath.
This chapter talks about Winthrop and his life as a Puritan. One thing the interested me was the ringing of