Amy Lawrence
Keiser University
This composition will discuss the various symptoms, theories for causes, and treatment generally recommended and used for Histrionic Personality Disorder. It will emphasize the importance of being able to differentiate Histrionic Personality Disorder from other personality disorders such as Borderline Personality Disorder, Antisocial Personality Disorder, Narcissistic Personality Disorder and Dependent Personality. The paper will discuss the dangers of incorrect treatment and why the correct diagnosis is imperative and ensuing treatment can only be effective once other personality disorders have been eliminated. Thus, the final, resulting …show more content…
“The essential feature of Histrionic Personality Disorder is pervasive and excessive emotionality and attention-seeking behavior.” (p.711). Histrionic Personality Disorder achieved an official classification as a personality disorder in the 1980 publication of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders III, 2nd edition (Million, 2011). Histrionic Personality Disorder is usually diagnosed in early adulthood and is currently equally diagnosed in both men and women effecting about 2% of the general public, this number increases with diagnosis in clinical settings to as much as 10% to 15% (Comer, 2000). Although Histrionic Personality Disorder has many symptoms, the overall lack of numerous and various clinical research studies makes it difficult to thoroughly determine the underlying causes of histrionic personality disorder. The studies done to date have developed theories for causes of this disorder. Discussions in this paper will consist of symptoms, theories for causes, and the importance of being able to differentiate these conditions from other personality disorders so a proper diagnosis of histrionic personality disorder is achieved for correct …show more content…
Theorist suggests the framework for the disorder starts at childhood and could be the fault of the mother or family member. Histrionic people are different from most people with other personality disorders because they tend to seek out treatment when all else has failed to gain the attention they so desperately need. This could explain the low rate of people diagnosed with this disorder. Histrionic Personality Disorder seems to have many symptoms in common with other personality disorders, which is why it is important to understand the difference between Histrionic Personality Disorder and other personality disorders and that the therapists has the accurate diagnosis so that the proper treatment is