Between 1933-39 Hitler devised a plan of specific foreign policies before and during his rise to power. His policies were to incorporate ‘Volksgemeinshaft’; the unification of all German ethnics living outside the Reich, an entire domination of Western Europe and finally an attainment of ‘lebensraum’; living space under which all unified Germans can live in Eastern Europe. For Hitler’s foreign policies to be achieved, it was necessary for the abnegation of the Treaty of Versailles, as it had constricted Germany from the needs that Hitler had calculated he would implement his foreign policies. Hitler hoped that his foreign policies would force the racially inferior Slavs to be forced out of the East, used as slaves, or exterminated. In conjunction with ‘Lebensraum’ it was Hitler’s ambition to destroy bolshevism. Friedman identifies the similarities between Communism and Nazism. German Communists were only interested in power and following a tyrannical leader; analogous to Hitler and the Nazi’s. Hitler’s foreign policies were used as a means to withdraw from the League of Nation’s, therefore isolating Germany and allowing massive rearmament. From 1933-38, Hitler had been able to acquire the Saar, gaining further military territories as well as the Rhineland during the rearmament of Germany. Germany’s foreign policies under Joachim Von Ribbentrop were used to augment the international ties between his allies Italy and Japan. Hitler signed the Anti-Comintern Pact, the Pact of Steel and the Three-Power Agreement with Italy and Japan.
Why did Britain and France pursue a policy of Appeasement between 1935-39?
During 1935-39 Britain and France used the policy of Appeasement in a conscious manner to avoid war entirely. Britain and France were obliged to continue Appeasement as they had already seen the atrocities of 1914-18 and had a strong commitment to maintain peace in Europe. There was a mutual