Compare and contrast of HIV/AIDS prevention and care programme between Gujarat and Maharashtra states in India
India has a serious health problem with Hiv/AIDS. In 2006, 3.1 million people were living with the virus, according to NACO( The National Aids Control Organisation). In 2006, the 15-44 age group had a HIV prevalence of 0.28%, so 1.7 million people were HIV positive in India at that time. 1986 witnessed the first case then by 1990 it had assumed epidemic proportions. Today HIV positive numbers in India are the second highest in the world
This essay will compare the HIV/AIDS prevention and care programmes in Gujarat and Maharashtra. Gujrat has below 5% prevalence rate among high risk groups and less than 1% in the general population. In contrast, Maharshtra has a 18.4% HIV prevelance rate in the high risk group with the faster transmission. The chief cause of the spread of infection is unprotected sexual behaviour. HIV/AIDS prevention and care is the national health programme and it is being implemented throughout India. All the states have implemented the programme under the supervision of the state committee. Gujarat and Maharastra are the two states in India which are different in their culture. Under the same programme both states have made their own policies and sub-programmes. This essay also includes the studies of HIV/AIDS prevention and care in Gujarat and Maharashtra which are industralised states in India.The choice of these two states can be justified as Gujarat has a medium prevalence rate for HIV infection whereas Maharashtra has a high prevelance rate. These states are different both in their culture and geography. Maharashtra has the largest number of HIV/AIDS patients and Gujarat is between a high and low number of HIV/AIDS affected patients.
The element of care focuses on the treatment of HIV as palliative care which uses A.R.T. for those patients living with HIV/AIDS. In the strategies of prevention both states