500 words paragraph of extrapolation how the article will be useful for me as an public health officer when i graduate. with reference from the book
500 words critical reflection thinking using one of the reflective cycle i.e u can use gibbs cycle
the releflective cycle does not have to be about the article it can be something different about my personal development academically
250 words of conclusion
Remember, any paragraph you include in your essay's body should work to expand, clarify or otherwise support the essay's thesis statement. In the previous stage of development, interpretation applied the support to the paragraph's topic point. In this stage, you should apply the interpretation and the topic point to the thesis of your essay, which means a response to the author's arguments. This is sometimes a subtle distinction, and writer's will often combine extrapolation with interpretation. Trusting our motives is the most important aspect of motivation. Smith's arguments further demonstrate hat trust in the correctness of our action is the same faith that fuels our intentions and makes us want to doing something good. Not only do we place that faith in the people around us, we place it in ourselves.
HIV Awareness in UK
Introduction HIV is one of the major issues in all parts of the world. This disease is responsible for deaths of thousands of patients since its discovery and worst thing is that there is no cure till this day. Almost 70 million people have been infected with the HIV virus and about 35 million people have died of AIDS since its discovery. About 0.8% of adults of ages between 15 to 49 years worldwide are living with HIV (WHO, 2013). These figures give the idea about the seriousness of the situation that we face and have to combat against it. In the following paper, we are going to discuss about the awareness of HIV among the population of United Kingdom and what challenges the