This is an all-inclusive guide to starting a blog, getting Adsense, making your blog ready to trade, and trading. It’s long as hell, I know that, but trading is complicated and multi-faceted so it’s better to read a longass guide that covers everything you need to know than a dumbed down guide that explains next to nothing. I will be more than happy to explain anything and give you as much help as you need. Don’t be afraid to ask.
Table of Contents: A. Setting Up Your Blog 1. Making the Blog 2. Picking a Niche 3. Picking a Title 4. Picking a Theme 5. Getting Adsense 6. Privacy Policy B. Optimizing Your Blog for Trading 1. Post Archive 2. Ad Placement, Size, & Colors 3. Optimizing the Comment Options 4. Ads to Block 5. Making Redirect Links 6. Statcounter C. Adsense 1. Adsense Dashboard 2. CTR 3. CPC 4. CPM 5. Reset 6. Invalid Clicks 7. Taxes (Americans Only) D. Trading 1. Initiating a Trade 2. What to Request (Your Copypasta) 3. Before You Start 4. Giving Views 5. Giving a Click 6. Other Important Things 7. Commenting 8. After You Finish 9. Changing IP E. What to Watch Out For 1. Geotargeting 2. Ad Targeting 3. Leeching 4. Clickbombs F. Trading and IRC Etiquette
Setting Up Your Blog:
Making the Blog
This is the fun part. You can use either WordPress or Blogger to make a quick blog, but I recommend Blogger if you’re just starting up, so this guide will deal exclusively with Blogger blogs. If you already have an account with Blogger, great. Use that. If not, make a NEW Blogger account that will NOT be linked any existing Google account you use for Gmail, Youtube, etc. If you happen to get banned from AdSense, you will have to completely disassociate yourself from that account in order to make and maintain a new Blogger