I. Name of the Project: GEE’S FARM PIGGERY
II. Location: Silang, Cavite
III. Descriptive Definition of the Project:
Hog raising in the Philippines has been a profitable business for Filipinos through the decades. Its popularity is evidently seen among backyards of rural families. An average Filipino family usually raises a small number of pigs to augment their daily needs. While both parents are busy with their work, children may help in raising a few piglets until they reach their marketable age. No wonder, more hogs are produced in backyards compared to commercial piggeries.
Despite the challenges facing the swine industry (e.g. diet relying heavily on expensive concentrates; susceptibility to numerous diseases and parasites), still many people are venturing into this enterprise. This material hopes to bring appropriate information to interested producers / raisers so that they may realize profitable production and improve the quality of their lives. Acquiring Starter Pigs for a Grow-out Production System A grow-out production system is a system that involves buying young pigs (usually around 12-20 kg each) and feeding them to market weight.
The key to success in a grow-out operation is to acquire starter pigs at those times when opportunity for profit is favorable. Over a hog cycle, profit prospects are best when farm gate prices are rising. Based on historical performance, profit will be higher from November to February. Therefore, starter pigs raised starting August up to November will likely fetch higher farm gate prices and better profits per head sold.
As important as when to buy is the matter of WHERE and HOW. It is best to establish a good relationship with a reputable supplier of starter pigs. During scarce supply period, a reliable supplier should be able to give you a steady supply of starter pigs at reasonable prices.
Rate of capital turn-over is relatively fast compared to farrow-finish operations. The