
Holden Caulfield Comparison

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This essay will determine the differences between two popular books, The catcher in the rye: by J.D Salanger and Great expectations: by Charles Dickens. Great expectations was first published in serial form in 1861 and is written in standard English with many colloquial and archaic words. As with catcher in the rye, it was first published in 1951 and is written in American English and also has many colloquial words and is also written as if the main character is speaking (first person narrative) directly to you.

The main characters Holden (Catcher in the rye) and Philip Pirrip, referred to as pip because

" My fathers name being Pirrip and my Christian name being Philip my infant tongue could make no more of both names than pip, so I called
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He has a discipline problem, which has led to his expulsion from Pency Prep.

" I forgot to tell you about that. They kicked me out. I wasn't supposed to come back after the Christmas vacation, on account of I was flunking four subjects and not applying myself at all."

Were as Pip is quite a well manored young boy and very innocent he does not seem at all disturbed by the fact that his mother and father and 6 brothers are dead yet he conveys a young innocence,

"Pip sir"

"There sir"

"Yes sir" always being well monored even when faced with an escaped convict, this is very unlike the rebel Holden who thinks he has it bad but is well of compared to Pip

" I like to be somewhere at least were you can see a few girls around once in a while." One of Holdens biggest problems is not seeing any girls were as pips is the escaped convict that confronts him and threatens him. Pip is very calm when confronted by the convict and he even remembers to be polite when being threatened

" Now lookee here, the question being whether you're to be let live."

"Yes sir."

" And you know what whittles

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