Good Thoughts, but bc of pressure and insecurities causes him to not know how to act- forces him to act
His conscientiousness
Is Holden a good role model for people your age today?
Instinctively and attitude wise-no
However, he has got the “right idea”
Which takes over (action or thoughts?)
However, ideas carried out with action to the extreme are never good
Holden is experiencing the pressures that come along with adolescence, ergo does not know how to cope with his feelings. This leads him to judge everyone but himself. Furthermore, afraid of confrontation, Holden blames the “phonies” when problems arise, and projects his insecurities of himself on others. Despite Holden’s distasteful attitude, Holden possess morally correct ideas about how things ought to be. However, while Holden struggles to find himself, the extremity of Holden’s thoughts and his social inability to act appropriately in situations causes him to project a semblance of angst at the entire world.
Evidence 1: Erasing profanity-welfare of children
(Topic Sentence) Holden Caulfield’s devotion and eagerness to erase written profanity reveals the extent of his moral integrity and how he intends to keep the purity and innocence of children, untainted by the vulgarities of society. evidence (cite page) 221-222) analyzation How …show more content…
However, the reasons behind his actions depict the moral thoughts an inspirational and motivational person would possess. Therefore, children in the 21st century should not view Holden Caulfield as a role model to mimic the actions and attitude of, but instead a role model of how one should think. After all, the best role model is not one who’s actions people would wish to emulate, but instead a person who aids one to establish an ethical thought processes, to which one can think for oneself and carry out admirable