Dear students your summer vacation will start from 18TH May,2013 and school will reopen on 21 th June,2013
ENGLISH:(1) Read the newspaper daily and increase your vocabulary. (2) Read ch-1 to 3 of the Novel The Story of my Life & Write the summary of these chapters in M.C.B. Register.. (3) Learn one topic of two minutes for ASL PILOT TEST (Speaking Assessment) and Write the same topic on A4 size sheet. (4) Write two value based questions from the given chapters (in Lit. Notebook)à 1) Two Gentlemen of Verona 2) Mrs. Packletide s Tiger (5) Do the given pages in unsolved practice papersà Reading Worksheet 1,2,3,4,5 (based on MCQ); Writing- Worksheet 31, 36, 44, 45 ; Grammar Worksheet 120, 125, 128, 129 (MCQ) 149, 150, 158 (6) Write a beautiful poem on A4 size sheet for Language Club Activity MATHSà (1) Solve the given Qs in Home Work Register. (2) All Qs are from APC (PK Garg), Arya Publication Book. Ch 1 Ex1.1 à Q7,8 Ex 1.2à Q12 ,13, 14, 17 Ex1.3à Q7, 8 Ex1.4à Q9 to 13, Chapter 2à Ex2.1 à Q6, 11, 12 Ex2.2à Q9, 13, 14 Ex2.3 à Q 5, 7, 8, 10, 15 Ex3.1 à Q15 to 17 Ex3.2à Q9, 10 Ex3.3 à Q10 to 13 Ex3.4 à Q7, 8, 13, 14 Ex3.5 à Q9, 10 Ex3.6 à Q9, 11, 12, 15, 16, 18, 21
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Additional Hindi ^^xjerh i`Foh fouk k dk vkjaHk^^ fo k; ij fuEu ladsr fcUnqvksa ds vk/kkj ij ifj;kstuk cukb,A ^^/kjrh ij thou laHko i`Foh ds le{k pqukSfr;k¡] i`Foh ij