Home Depot is an American based retailer of home improvement and construction products. Home Depot also offers services to its consumers. With its headquarters in Cobb County, Georgia, the company employs more than three-hundred fifty five-thousand people and operates two-thousand one-hundred sixty-four big-box stores across the world including, all fifty states, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands, Guam, Canada, Mexico and China (wikipedia.org). The Home Depot is the largest home improvement retailer in the United States and is the second largest retailer in the United States, behind Wal-Mart (wikipedia.org). The company employs more than three hundred thousand people in the United States alone. (retailindustry.about.com) The values in which Home Depot guides their actions are in: taking care of our people, giving back to our communities, doing the right thing, excellent customer service, creating shareholder value, building strong relationships, entrepreneurial sprit, and respect for all people (corporate.homedepot.com). Many people in recent time do not believe in these values that are set forth by Home Depot. Under their customer service statement, it reads, "Along with our quality products, service, price and selection, we must go the extra mile to give customers knowledgeable advice about merchandise and to help them use those products to their maximum benefit" (corporate.homedepot.com). For a company to be based on excellent customer service, it just doesn't meet the consumers' standards. The standards of service should be there when shopping for home improvement. It is one thing to not have service for a clothing store, but for a home improvement and construction store it is unacceptable. There have been many complaints made by their consumers complaining about this crucial part in shopping.
Home Depot is known to have the cheapest prices when it came down to goods. But, now