The Home Depot is a company built under the principle of creating value for their stockholders while never forgetting the company’s main values: “Taking care of our people, giving back, doing the right thing, creating shareholder value, respect for all people, entrepreneurial spirit, building strong relationships, and excellent customer service”. These values were presented by Francis S. Blake (The Home Depot C.E.O.) on the company’s 2007 annual report. Mr. Blake presented The Home Depot as a “values based business” using what he called “The Values Wheel”. He used this concept in order to present the company’s business responsibility approach as a full cycle, starting at one point and coming back to the area where they started. While keeping their employees perspective open and alert for changes and improvement throughout the process. He can be seen as a great example of what Father Byron mention on page 214 a “principled person with the principled vision” guiding others “into a more ethical future”. Environmental sustainability has become a hot topic in the last couple of decades because of global warming and other weather related changes. In today’s business world, environmental sustainability is an essential part of corporate social responsibility (CSR); therefore, very important to stockholders, owners, as well as to the public in general. Everybody wants to know how businesses are run and how their operations affect their communities for generations to come. The Home Depot as a corporation is continuously seeking to fulfill all levels of CSR by the following basic fundamentals as their guide: be profitable, comply with all government laws and regulations, established themselves as a corporation with high ethical values, and discretionary levels within the company’s core values. They also pursue to keep the organization’s operations responsible and in balance with local community
References: Home Depot Corporate Responsibility The Home Depot and the Environment The Home Depot 2007 Financial Report J.D. Power and Associates 2008