Aaron Roberts
ENGL 111
University of Alaska Anchorage
Alaska has many local advocacy issues; but the one that stands out the most is homelessness. When I first moved to Alaska, Anchorage in 2011. What I realized in the first month living here; is the homelessness and drunks everywhere in Anchorage. This homeless issue is getting worse every year. In 2007 there was 1,653 homeless people, and the next year there was 2,199. Each year the population for homeless people are increasing enormously. Anchorage needs to be notified and do something about this issue. What I think is causing this problem is the PFD and people are just lazy. When people found out about receiving the PFD; the population started to increase. Which causes over population then that leads to less jobs for people. What’s making these homeless people stay is that organizations that are helping them with their food and shelter. The organizations that are supporting the homeless should give each homeless person a certain amount of time to having shelter and food. So if the organization did that, homeless people would recognize they can’t keep coming back and need to find a job or figure something out. If not this homelessness issue will just keep increasing each year. The worst thing about homelessness is that it makes the beautiful city of Anchorage look trashy. If they got rid or reduce the amount of homeless people, it would probably be better for business. So in order to help the homeless people organizations like the ACH ( Anchorage Coalition the end Homelessness) established a ten year plan to help reduce the amount of homeless people in Anchorage. ACH mission statement is to “be a network of businesses, non-profits and community members who provide a continuum of support to prevent homelessness and connect the homeless to safe, secure and affordable housing”(Storrs). If this organization succeeds over the next ten years, I’m pretty sure