Human Service professionals provide services and resources set forth to help clients become self-sufficient by teaching them new skills to overcome hardships and better their livelihoods for their families as well as themselves. Human service clients face many ranges of problems on any given basis. Homelessness, abuse, immigrations, addictions, disabilities, mental illness, incarceration, and also veteran transitions are just a few. Sometimes the things that we are faced with throughout our lives is too tough of a load to carry. That is when a human service professional can come into place. They help the client with situations that may be too over bearing or with situations clients may not have any control of. Homelessness affects more than 3.5 million people each year. “35% of the homeless population is families with children which is the fastest growing segment of the homeless population. 23% are U.S military veterans, 25% are children under the age of eighteen years, 30% have experienced domestic violence and 20-25% suffer from mental illness” (National Student Campaign Against Hunger and Homelessness). Human Service professionals can assist a homeless individual or family with suitable housing or shelter. Human service professionals will make sure that the individuals get the resources that he or she needs to survive on a day to day basis like food and or welfare assistance. They will set goals and teach skills of effectiveness to prevent future setbacks of homelessness for the individual. Human service professional clients both young and old, woman and men, child and adolescents are also faced with abuse. Abuse has no racial, ethical, economical, or religious preference. It could affect any one from your family member, friend, or even your next door neighbor. In 2011 National Abuse statistics states, “Approximately 681,000 children were victims of