The major purpose of the study is to educate the community and provide awareness about homelessness as it ultimately has the potential to affect anyone. The study that our group would like to conduct is to examine the homeless population and the issues that surround it. As we examine the causes of homeless the possibility of preventing homelessness increases. As more is being done to get people off of the street, what is being done to prevent people from becoming homeless? Our group’s efforts are to examine these issues and analyze the results through conducting a survey.
Homelessness has the potential to affect everyone and anyone. The economy continues to change and unfortunately the changes are not always for the best of individuals. These changes have the power to determine people’s future for the good and the bad. It seems as though there are several programs, grants, and transitional housing available to assist those who are already homeless. As we continue to examine the homeless epidemic, it is evident that researching homeless prevention would be beneficial as it could potentially slow down the future increasing number of homeless individuals.
A Survey was given to 50 homeless adults, 25 male and 25 female. Among the 50 adults 16 were categorized as young adults, 18 middle aged adults, and 16 were determined elderly. The questions on the survey were determined to identify: age group, gender, last place of residence, current living status, length of homelessness, education, source of income, and substance issue.
Of the 50 surveyed, the last places of residence were as follows; 6 were in the Windward area, 35 were on the West side, 8 in Central Oahu, and 2 were living on the South end of the island. The current living status of the 50 surveyed were 27 living in the streets, 11 in emergency shelters, and 12 in some form of transitional housing. The length of homelessness among the 50 were as follows: 13 were