Tunica intima: lines the lumen of the blood vessel. Continuous with endocardium of heart. Is extremely smooth to decrease resistance to blood flow. (Made of epithelium)…
- Identify the three tunics (wall layers) in all vessels and the tissue that composes each tunic.…
Now describe each tunic more fully by selecting its characteristics from the key below and placing the appropriate key letters on the answer lines. d,e b,f a,c Tunica intima Tunica media Tunica externa Key: a. b. c. d. innermost tunic most superficial tunic thin tunic of capillaries especially thick in elastic arteries e. f. contains smooth muscle and elastin has a smooth surface to decrease resistance to blood flow…
Look at the data for your assigned challenge. Why did the “guinea pig’s” body react the way it did during the challenge? What was happening inside of the body that you couldn’t necessarily measure or see?…
To survive, an organism must be able to maintain stable internal conditions in a changing environment. This process is called homeostasis. The Human Homeostasis Gizmo™ allows you to explore how the human body stays at a nearly constant temperature in different conditions. Notice the Air temp. and Body temp. thermometers representing the air temperature and body temperature.…
Objective(s): The reason for this experiment is to see how starch and iodine affect each other and how a plastic bag works similar to a membrane in certain situations.…
1a – Explain the structures of a human cellMost human cells contain small structures known as organelles (“little organs”), each of which performs a highly specialised task, such as manufacturing protein. Organelles are usually surrounded by a membrane, and they float in a jelly-like substance called cytoplasm. Ninety percent of cytoplasm is water; it also contains enzymes, amino acids, and other molecules needed for cell functions. The structure…
Homeostasis is the need for an organism or a cell to regulate its internal environment (conditions within the fluid surrounding its body cells) by a system of feedback controls to stabilise health and functioning despite the outside changing conditions. This is important as this is what maintains and helps internal conditions (body temperature) to remain stable and constant.…
1. Anaplasia- abnormalities in cell structure and loss of differentiation: for example, cancer cells typically lose the appearance of the parent cells and come to…
d. Describe the collecting duct role relative to urine concentration. Depending on the body fluid osmolarity, the collecting duct reabsorbs water & forms concentrated urine or if water is allowed to pass, dilute urine is formed.…
Homeostasis is maintaining an Internal Balance. If we fail to maintain an internal balance every system inside of our body will be disrupted.…
P5. Homeostasis is the process by which a constant internal environment is maintained by our body. For instance, this means that in our body, temperature, blood sugar levels, etc must be kept within a narrow range even when we are in a freezing climate, or while doing vigorous exercise etc. All homeostatic control mechanisms have at least three interdependent components which are: The receptor responds to changes in the environment, for example, detects temperature change. Then, after the receptor senses a stimuli, it sends information to a ‘’control centre’’ to regulate the response. The control centre which is in the brain decides a response to the stimuli. Then, the control centre sends signals to an effector such as muscles and organs. Negative feedback is a control system that occurs when an important variable such as pH of blood deviates from the certain limits which can cause reactions that will turn variable into a normal range. For e.g.…
Name the three layers or tunics of the blood vessel wall and what they are composed of.…
Explaining hypertension to a 63 year old male that has only completed the eighth grade you want to make sure that you can make it so that he understands what is wrong with him and how to handle it. So instead of tell him that hypertension “is a condition that increases the risk for heart attack, stroke, kidney failure, coronary heart disease, and other serious health problems” (Krucik, 2013) and leave it at that, you will need to go more in depth with the explanation for him. As the nurse we need to make sure that he knows about every side effect because we do not…
Homeostatic mechanisms are essential for a body to maintain a stable condition. The word homeostasis describes the body’s ability to maintain its healthy state, while the world around it is changing constantly. There are many steps in the process of homeostasis. First, there is the stimulus that causes the change. Then the receptor detects the change. The information of the imbalance is then sent to the control center, which decides the response. The information entering into the control center is called the afferent pathway. During the efferent pathway, the information is sent out from the control center to the effector. The effector provides the means for the control center’s response, returning the body back to normal.…