Homework Assignment #1-Chapters 1&3
Answer the following questions:
1. List 10 signs of good nutrition and 10 signs of poor nutrition
Signs of good nutrition are: healthy cholesterol levels, normal blood pressure levels, healthy skin tone and hair, clear vision, mental alertness, sleeping well, regular bowel movements, good muscle tone, and healthy bones. Signs of bad nutrition are: unhealthy change in weight, skin color, mood changes, low self-esteem, bad teeth and gums, mental deficiencies, no energy malnutrition, irregular bowel movements, and bad muscle tone.
2. Define nutrition
Nutrition is the study of the relationship of humans to food
3. What are the six classes of nutrients?
Six classes of nutrients are carbohydrates, fats, proteins, minerals, vitamins and water
4. Food pyramid:
a. Why is it used? It is used to teach people what to eat for a healthy diet
b. What groups are contained within the pyramid? Grains, vegetables, fruits, milk, meat and beans
c. Where might you find the food pyramid at your local grocery store? Can be found near the produce or meat section
5. What is malnutrition? Malnutrition is when body cells receive too much or too little of one or more nutrients.
6. What is a dietician? A food and nutrition experts that advise people what to eat in order to have a healthy lifestyle or achieve a health related goal.
7. How are nutrients further classified? Nutrients are classified as essential, nonessential or conditionally essential
8. What is the leftover portion or residue that remains after something is burned? Ash
9. How much percentage of a person’s body weight is protein? Approx 15%
10. What is the proper terminology for “blood sugar”? Glucose
11. Why is fiber an essential part of one’s diet? It adds volume which fills the stomach which contributes to a full feeling so eating stops
12. Where are the following monosaccharides found:
a. Glucose In the blood
b. Fructose Fruits
c. Galactose Milk