1. How will San Marino Tuna Paella increase its market share and brand awareness?
2. How will San Marino Tuna Paella compete with its increasing number of competitors?
3. How will San Marino Tuna Paella stand out as the primary ready-to-eat meal?
This project aims to:
1. Find out how aware the target market are about San Marino Tuna Paella.
2. Create a traditional advertising campaign that would re-launch the product to the market in a way that would attract its target consumers through series of advertising and marketing strategies that fits their lifestyle and interests.
3. Make San Marino Tuna Paella as the top of mind brand of the consumers for ready-to-eat meal.
For the Market:
The research’s primary beneficiaries would be people who are on-the-go like students and employees. They are the focus of the study and it would help them know and be informed of the healthy benefits and other possible recipes for San Marino Tuna Paella aside from its convenience and delicious taste. It will also help increase their brand awareness and might lead to brand loyalty.
For the Company/Product: The research would basically help the CDO Foodsphere Inc. produce and plan a traditional advertising campaign for their product, San Marino Tuna Paella, and might serve as a reliable guide for their future advertising and marketing strategies.
The researches included in this study might help them know and reach their target market effectively.
For the Academe: The study can be a reference for future researchers who are taking up the same/related