Let us watch few honesty images.
Value of Honesty: Highest complement for a person is a tag of honesty given by the society ; if he is attached to this virtue. Today's biggest gap in true sense is the honesty; which is not strengthen properly in the school students. I am not saying that this value is not taught in the schools, but want to draw attention of the school teaching system about the falling graph of this ethical elements in present society. The school students must be engraved with honest practices rather than paying strong attention on science subjects. It is because this is one of the biggest virtue of the growing youngsters ; who will carry nation on their feet. Strong value of honesty will always be a biggest justification throughout the globe for the welfare of the whole humanity. We all have to dictate the tremendous value of honesty to our kids from very beginning in an easy understandable and practical way.
True way of Solution of Human Problems: Many problems of the human society is because of less numbers of honest people. The today's people forgot the best policy of living. In the world political system many wrong decisions are imposed wrongly because of self centered thinking irrespective of honest approach. In India recently Lokpal system was biggest news headlines. Lokpal is