Asdf jkl; heo mri; asdf jkl; heo; mri;
Asdf jkl; heo; mri; asdf jkl; heo; mri;
Herd herd mild mild safe safe joke joke
Herd herd mild mild safe safe joke joke
B. Key
Fff ftf ftf tft ftf fff ftf ftf tft ftf
Fff ftf ftf tft ftf fff ftf ftf tft ftf
Ftf kit kit ftf toe ftf ate ate ftf
Ftf kit kit ftf toe ftf ate ate ftf
Ftf It is the ; to them ; for the; at It ;
Ftf it is the ; to them for the; at it ;
That hat is flat ; it ate ; at least three
That hat is flat ; it ate least three
C. N-Key
Jjj jnj jnj njn jnj jjj jnj jnj njn jnj jjj jnj jnj njn jnj jjj jnj jnj njn jnj jnj ten ten jnj not not jnj and and jnj jnj ten ten jnj not not jnj and and jnj jnj nine tones ; none inside; on and on; jnj nine toes ; none inside; on and on ; nine kind lines ; ten done in an instant nine kin lines ; ten done in an instant
Ddd dcd ddd cdc dcd ddd dcd dcd cdc dcd
Ddd dcd ddd cdc dcd ddd dcd dcd cdc dcd
Dcd ace ace dcd can can dcd arc arc dcd
Dcd ace ace dcd can can dcd arc arc dcd
Dcd on a desk ; in each car; cannot act ;
Dcd on a desk ; in each car; cannot act ;
Act at once ; call to cancel the tickets
Act at once ; call to cancel the tickets
E.Technique Checkpoint
Fff ftf ftf tft ftf fff ftf ftf tft ftf
Fff ftf ftf tft ftf fff ftf ftf tft ftf
Jjj jnj jnj njn jnj jjj jnj njn jnj
Jjj jnj jnj njn jnj jjj jnj njn jnj
Ddd dcd dcd cdc dcd ddd dcd cdc dcd
Ddd dcd dcd cdc dcd ddd dcd cdc dcd
The carton of jam is here on this dock ;
The carton of jam is here on this dock ;
Sail farm jets kick this none care ink ;
Sail farm jets kick this none care ink ;
Rain hand jots tick then tone came sink
Rain hand jots tick then tone came sink
Sail sail said said raid raid rain rain
Sail sail said said raid raid rain rain
Farm farm harm harm hard hard hand hand
Farm farm harm harm hard hard hand hand
Jets jets lets lets lots lots jots jots
Jets jets lets lets lots lots