Confucius believed man is inherently good, but through doing good deeds and learning he improves himself and comes in harmony with the universe. Christianity believes man is sinful, and even though we try to do good deeds, we often fail and need forgiveness. There has been much debate whether “Confucianism” is a religion, a philosophy, or a sort or road map to governing and organizing a society. In many ways, it is all of the above. Concept of humanism. Personal responsibility for actions. Concept of man basically good. Also, most religion see humans as sinful or flawed, needing some kind of penance or forgiveness. Confucianism sees humans as in control of their own fate by controlling their thoughts and actions. Basically positive and upbeat. To the people who live their lives guided by the principles and writing of Confucius, there is a religious …show more content…
His teaching directly reflect those of the Ten Commandments, “Honor your father and mother.” To honor, respect, and taking proper care of them, emotionally and physically. He believed in a continuous cycle that would repeat every generation. When one takes care of their elders, he or she understands role they to perform. In return the child would grow up to a mature status and take the responsibility of the parent or elder. Eventually this starts over and the one that was educated becomes the educator. Although family relations were important the status of women was still the same those around the world. Chinese social structure and culture in this period placed women below that of a man. Women were treated inferior to a man. The Primary goal of a woman was to take care of the household, raise and educate the children. Even though a family is important to a Confucian during this period the role of a woman was still the same throughout the