How is K related to the force constant k of the whole spring?[the force constant is the force per unit extension.]…
After my group and I tested this prediction by placing three identical copper springs next to each other and 3 more identical springs end-to-end, we observed that the weight was distributed evenly when the springs were parallel. It was also apparent that when the springs were placed end to end, the starting height was a lot smaller that the stating height for the parallel springs. We concluded that more force…
Between 0 and 15 seconds, the average tension was 24.24 grams. The next increments were tested…
The poem Hook by James Wright is about two men going through difficult times that take place in a cold setting, much like their lives. They both have many things in common and many differences as well. The young man is seen as a pessimistic in this poem and the Sioux more of the optimistic, even with many sufferings he has gone through in his lifetime. The young man and the Sioux both have very different lifestyles, but what exactly is James Wright trying to prove with the Sioux and the young man?…
observe what happens to the tension measured by the spring scale. It should increase. Repeat…
that is, it requires a force of kx to compress a spring a distance x…
The purpose of this lab investigation is to observe the relationship among the net force, mass, and acceleration of an object.…
Unfortunately time didn’t allow us to complete both parts of the experiment on our own and so we relied on the results of others in class. In terms of error, it gives plenty of opportunity for inconsistencies in the data. The inconsistencies could exist due to equipment, or understanding of the lab…
INTRODUCTION: A simple pendulum consists of a mass m swinging back and forth along a circular arc at the end of a string of negligible mass. A pendulum is a weight suspended from a pivot so that it can swing freely. Gravity is the pull that two bodies of mass exert on one another. There are several simple experiments that will allow you to calculate the acceleration due to gravity of a falling object. A simple pendulum can determine this acceleration. The only variables in this experiment are the length of the pendulum (L) and the period of one full swing of the pendulum (T). In this case the independent variable represents the length of the string and the dependent variable represents the period of one oscillation. The control variable is the mass of the pendulum. In this lab our goal was to see if we can prove if the acceleration due to gravity is 9.8m/s2. The R2 in this lab is closed to 9.8 m/s2 . The formula that we used in this lab is T=2πLg and then we solved for g=L(T2π)2.…
where group number was 5 and ka was found in units of Newtons per meter. These values were used to construct a mass spring system suspended from the table top with mass ma and spring ka. Another mass spring system was created with a mass…
The spring balance used to take measurements must be the same (to prevent any inaccuracies)…
In this lab, I will study the principles of simple harmonic motion using an oscillating pendulum. If I were to design an experiment that would help me study the properties of an oscillating pendulum and investigate what causes a pendulum to swing faster or slower, I would prepare several masses (e.g. 20g, 50g, 100g, 200g, etc.) that can be attached to a string, several strings of varying lengths from 0.1m to 1.0m that are strong enough to support the weight of the masses, support for each pendulum, a stopwatch, and a measuring tool such as a meter stick. Using such materials, I would try to measure the length of the pendulum, the number of cycles the pendulum goes back and forth, the time it takes for the pendulum to do so, and the variables that drive the pendulum to act as so. Based on what I learned in keystone, I would expect to get results that show that the only variable that affects the period of a pendulum is its length. Additionally, that for pendulums swung from angles smaller than 15 degrees, the angle they are swung at are virtually insignificant. If the results were different, there would be a mistake in my recordings or procedure of the results and the experiment because the expected results have already been proven many times over and have been established as official scientific facts.…
A 750-kg compact car moving at 100 km/hr has approximately 290 000 Joules of kinetic energy. What is the kinetic energy of the same car if it is moving at 50 km/hr?…
The objective of this experiment is to demonstrate the bending of a bean when loaded at the center of its length and examine its deflection when positioned in two different ways, when the flat side of the beam is support and when the thin side is supported. In addition, try to find linear relationship between the load applied and the deflection of the beam and comparing the experimental deflection with the theoretical deflection.…
Control variables: I will use the same peg due to the spring stiffness, I will record all results in the same unit of time (sec) and I will use the same stopwatch that is calibrated for recording seconds and the person doing the experiment so the muscle is the same that is being tested.…