The term hope refers to undetectable strength that permits us to overcome our weaknesses, boosts us up when we fall, and continue to motivate us to move forward in any given situation. The theoretical description of hope is not universal but many shared elements are present in the definition of hope (Herth, 2000). According to Cutcliffe and Herth (2002), review of the literature has shown eight distinct key elements that outline and describe hope, such as, multidimensional, dynamic in nature, essential to life, focused on the future, personalized, part of a process, goal oriented, and connected to nursing (Table 8, p.839). The theoretical background for this analysis is grounded …show more content…
The understanding of this concept analysis was based on literature, attributes, and empirical evidence. The critical attributes, antecedents, and consequences were identified and empirical reference was provided for better understanding. Hope as a concept is multidimensional and the understanding of hope among caregivers of chronically or terminally ill patients is significant. Hope gives inner strength and relief of burden of caregiving daily and should be nurtured and cherished before it fades.
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