Report to the Congress: Medicare Payment Policy, 2014)
(Hospice Facts & Statistics (Hospice Association of America) The Hospice
Association of America Nov. 2010)
(Harrington C, Carrillo H, Woleslagle B B, O 'Brian T, 2010)
(Harrington C., 2008)
What is hospice care?
Hospice care focuses on improving the quality of life for persons
and their families faced with a life-limiting illness.
The primary goals of hospice care are to provide comfort, relieve physical, emotional, and spiritual suffering, and promote the dignity of terminally ill persons.
Hospice care neither prolongs nor hastens the dying process.
Hospice care is a philosophy or approach to care rather than a place. Care may be provided in a person’s home, …show more content…
Every hospice program offers bereavement services to
family and loved ones for a minimum of 12 months following the death of a patient.
Bereavement Services are available to Family and More!
(Oliver, (2006)
References Harrington C., Carrillo H, Woleslagle B B, O 'Brian T, 2010 Nursing Facilities, Staffing, Residents and Facility Deficiencies, (2004 Through 2009), Table 4.,
Retrieved from Harrington C., 2008 State Data Book on Long Term Care retrieved from Hospice Facts & Statistics (Hospice Association of America) The Hospice Association of
America Nov. (2010) retrieved from
Levine C, Halper D, Peist A, Gould D A, (2010) Bridging Troubled Waters: Family Caregivers,
Transitions, And Long-Term Care, Health Affairs, 29, no.1 - Steps to Choosing Long-Term Care (2015)Retrieved from Oliver, D.P. (2006). Inside the Interdisciplinary Team Experiences of Hospice Social Workers. Retrieved from