Magnus BlomstrOrn
Working Paper No. 3615
NATIONAL BUREAU OF ECONOMIC RESEARCH 1050 Massachusetts Avenue Cambridge, MA 02138 February 1991
This paper is part of NBER 's research program in International Studies. Any opinions expressed are those of the author and not those of the National Bureau of Economic Research.
paper reviews the empirical evidence on the very
different conclusions that can be drawn about productivity
spillovers of foreign direct investment. It explains the concept of host country spillover benefits, describes the various forms these benefits can take, both within and between industries, and summarizes the evidence regarding the relative magnitudes of the
various forms of spillovers. Moreover, the paper discusses host country policy measures which can accelerate both the BC affiliates ' technology imports and the diffusion of their technology in the host economies.
Magnus BlomstrOm Stockholm School of Economics P.O. Box 6501 113 83 Stockholm, SWEDEN
Magnus Blomström
1. Introduction
The possibility of getting access to modern technology is
perhaps the most important reason why countries wish to attract
foreign investment. By inviting multinational corporations
(MNC5), host countries may get access to technologies that they
cannot produce by themselves. Foreign direct investment can also lead to indirect productivity gains for host country firms
through the realization of external economies. Generally these benefits are referred to as "spillovers", which indicates the importance of the way in which the influence is transmitted.
There are several ways in which technology spillovers may
occur. Multinational firms may, for instance, increase the degree of
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