The creature howled in the moonlight and sent shivers down people’s spines. This very scary mystery novel was written by Arthur Conan Doyle in 1983 (Page 1) and is called “The Hound Of The Baskervilles”. This fiction mystery is about Sherlock Holmes and his partner, Dr. Watson. The duo solves mysteries in the town of London, England . (We learn that on page 4-5) The author of the book uses many types of suspense to make the reader want to read more, including cliffhangers (One example is at page 159) at the end of chapters and making you think that you are in the book with the characters.
The main conflict in “The Hound Of The Baskervilles” is a very large creature terrorizes the people of London, and one person gets killed by the hound. (Page 16-18) The family of the person who gets killed feel like they are in danger, so they go to Holmes and Watson for help. (Page 45-52) Holmes sends Watson with the Baskervilles to go live with them because Holmes has to go do other things. The problem is solved when the hound gets killed and …show more content…
Holmes and Watson figure out that it is Stapleton, one of the people who lives in Baskervilles Hall. (Page 238-246)
The setting of “The Hound Of The Baskervilles” is in the rainy city of London in England (Learned on page 3) for the first part, then further in the story Dr. Watson goes to the Baskervilles mansion, (Page 165-168) or else a very big scary castle that only a few people live in to study the hound, only he can not find it right away. The Baskervilles mansion is a very great place for this story to be based on because you get the feeling that you are in the scary mansion with them, and you always feel scared because the story is very suspenseful. (You can feel this the most at pages 75-85) I believe that this story could've been translated to an English version, just because it was hard to understand at some times.
You get the feeling like there was a few too many characters in the “Hound Of The Baskervilles”, like the villagers and the townspeople's. (Page 1-15) (Pages 160-190) I know that they are there just as a background, but it is a little too much. You should be focused on the main characters, and focusing on the storyline. Besides that it has a good storyline. The book could’ve been fine without the Barrymores, and you could keep track of the characters better.
I think that using the technique of making the reader be a problem solver was a bad idea in this book because with about 20-30 pages left (Pages 217-246), you can solve the mystery, so those last pages are pretty boring because you have already figured out who it was.
The book would’ve been better if you added a plot twist. That would make the story a lot more fun to read and get the readers on the edges of their seats. Some spots that made you want to keep reading was at page 73 (Page 73… Duhh) The clues on the last few pages really gave the answer away to the reader, and the author could’ve been a little bit more sneaky and hide those details to the end. (Page 222-232 gave it away to a lot of
Overall, “The Hound Of The Baskervilles” is a really great book that you should read. I don’t recommend it to people who can solve mysteries very quickly though, due to the giveaway clues towards the end. You always get this feeling that you are in the book with the characters, and that is really cool that the author made you feel that way.