Section #1: I embrace my sister tightly. The house that we once grew up in was taken away from us. Stolen by the devilish forces from within. Still in shock, we stood there for minutes. Finally, I gained the courage to take my sister by the hand and run. I had already lost everything inside that house. …show more content…
She sat us down at the table. “What are your names?” asked the woman. “I'm Dolion and this my sister Irene. ‘Would you like some tea for the cold Dolion and Irene?’ We nodded desperately. As she made the tea she asked “Why were you both outside in the cold?’ I quietly answered “It's a bit complicated to explain and you may not believe us.” The woman stared at us curiously and said with a smile “My child, I've lived long enough to know many things about this world and the night is long. Irene and I once again stared at each other worrysomely. I hesitated, but then began to explain what had happened. “Our home was taken away from us by a supernatural force.” “Where we once slept, bathed, and ate is now the house of the supernatural.” “We lived at the house at the end of the street.” I continued. She looked at us intently in a serious and disgusted face. The “That house” – What? The one that was owned by those murderers?” “Murderers?” I asked, concerned and confused. She continued by telling us about some rumors that had been passed around, far before we were born. “During the 1820's there was a couple that lived in that very house you call home. As a form of money they began to run a farm, the would work day and night trying to treat that farm and grow something. Even so, they were never successful. They began asking families for help and they told them that if they were to help they could live in their home for free.” She continued “At the time many families struggled financially. So of course, one family had to agree eventually. They began to work day and night. Struggling terribly but pushing through every single day. In order to care for their loved ones. At the end of the year, due to the drastic temperatures, the farmers struggled to grow crops. This enraged the couple, they said if you don't bring me crops then I can't support you or your family. The very next year the couple began to treat