Theoretical framework: The theory then that man cannot attain self-actualization unless his basic physiological and psychological needs are fulfilled, would very well influence the eventual success of urban land reform and housing development plan project for the urban poor. Thus, this study is premised on the theory that people can be expected to show the fullest and healthiest creativeness, if this psychological, safety, love and esteem needs are satisfied. The present study will focus on the physiological needs, particularly, the needs for shelter, because the researcher believes that adequately designed houses for squatter families in the target location is necessary and the development plan must be drawn immediately to solve serious housing problems that beget other socio-economic problems which will affect the productivity and living standards of the people.
RRL: Local Literature.
The attraction of people to migrate to urban center of learning and opportunities for improving economically has called the rapid growth of its population and as a consequences created a housing problem. To cope with the need to survive in a city has led to the sprouting of squatter settlements which eventually developed into slums. This conditions are characterized by overcrowding and squalor. (Panopio,